An icon representing a simple house shape / privacy

The Assembly logo. An 'A' shaped like a space capsule striving for the sky.
Privacy policy

Last update: 2024-09-20

1. How we use your data

Security and data protection are foundational pillars in everything we do. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us.

When you send us your personal data and we process it, Assembly becomes a Data Controller for that data.


Giving us your email address by sending us an email.

We never send your data to any third party unless critical to the functionality of our business or product.

We will delete your data 24 months after our last interaction with you. If we have a working relationship, we will store the data as long as needed to adhere to Swedish employee and tax regulations.

Click the link below for a detailed view of how your data is processed:

Data overview and partners

2. Making changes to this policy

This policy will be changed periodically when needed. Changes can either be significant or insignificant, which is decided by Assembly.

- Significant changes will be sent to you via email.

- Insignificant changes will not be notified.


Examples of significant events would be if your data is lost, if the ownership structure of Assembly changes (the Data Controller responsibility change), when we delete your data because we no longer need it, or if we for some reason have to process your data in a region without adequate data protection legislation.

Examples of insignificant events are changing partners or providers, for example, when we use a new third party to send our emails to you, or when we analyse the data in a new way, for example, to make decisions about new products we are developing.

3. Exercising your rights

You have a range of rights that you can choose to exercise.

Learn about your rights at the website linked below. It's from the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. In this text, you are the "data subject":

If you want to exercise your rights, send an email to and explain your needs. We will act on your request within 30 calendar days.